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    News from Oxford Biosystems

Antibiotic Guardian

Oxford Biosystems has pledged to be an Antibiotic Guardian

Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats facing us today.

Without effective antibiotics many routine treatments will become increasingly dangerous. Setting broken bones, basic operations, even chemotherapy and animal health all rely on access to antibiotics that work.

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Chronic Kidney Disease

It is a well-known fact that bone is affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD). New data about the role of bone in CKD on fundamental biological pathways seems to point to the skeleton as an active inducer of pathology as a deregulated endocrine gland in kidney disease.

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Manage Human MxA Protein

Human MxA protein (Myxovirus resistance protein 1), the product of the MX1 gene, is a 76-kDa protein consisting of 662 amino acid residues and belonging to the dynamic superfamily of large GTPase. MxA protein plays an important role in antiviral activity in cells against a wide variety of viruses. These include:

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Oxford Biosystems has pledged to be an Antibiotic Guardian

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